Top 5 Ways to Get Rich From Home (for Noobies) #3

3. Product Review

Okay, so this particular item on the docket ties in very well to YouTube videos and Blogging. Product reviews are great. Why? Because it's opinionated, open for debate, and attracts expensive ads, especially reviews of cars, movies, music and collectable merchandise. And if you have a really solid/wacky/contraversial review, you're guarenteed to get traffic! People are always looking for someone to argue with and tr0ll.

Want to hear an amazing true story? On YouTube, a guy who goes by the alias Praune2Forever gained online infamy for delivering brutally honest reviews on movies and music. His picture is on the left.

His witty and brutal revies attract hundreds of thousands of viewers, and as I might guess, probably earns him quite a bit! His original style, uniqueness and consistency have secured a solid position as one of YouTube's funniest and nastiest personalities. Visit his YouTube User page for more of his videos.

So, one day, Praune2Forever posted a video giving his thoughts on 50 Cent's latest business ventures into the Adult entertainment business. More specifically - a 50 Cent shaped dildo. Praune delivered a brutal review, questioning 50 Cent's credibility and character, calling him a "media WHORE!" This video attracted 928,268 viewers (August 2009).

Now for the remarkable part. Somewhere out there, 50 cent was just looking around on YouTube, and saw Praune's video. His feelings? I'm thinking that 50 Cent felt pretty curious and wanted to capitalize on this video. So 50 Cent contacted Praune2Forever and flew him out to New York City to do a YouTube video together, also hosted on

If you haven't seen this video yet, watch it. Please. LOL!

Your Odds of Making Money - 1:2

Again, with Google AdSense, money is extraordinarily easy to make. So long as someone clicks on your ads, you'll earn some money. The more people who click on them, the more money you'll get! Easy as pie. The odds here are one in two because I'm going to factor in chance. Perhaps you don't want to promote your videos/blogs to your friends, and just push it out there using indexing tools such as Technorati. With 94.1 million blog readers in the United States, and 80,600,000 monthly visitors on YouTube alone (not including,, I'd say your chances are pretty good that someone out there will notice you. Cheers ;)


Because product review blogs are opinion-oriented, there is no one concrete system/format to follow. But here's an excellent guide on how to create a product review blog.
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