Top 5 Ways to Get Rich From Home (for Noobies) #4

4. Video Hosting

There are many legal issues concerning online video hosting, but that doesn't stop it from being a hotbed for revenue! Hosting videos, or, uploading videos so that they can be viewed on your website, is extremely profitable for one simple reason - traffic. Because of copyright infringement issues, YouTube has taken down lots of material that has been illegally uploaded without the consent of the owner/distributor. Television shows and series such as Family Guy, the Simpsons, Naruto and Bleach, were able to be viewed on Youtube until she took them down.
But, people still want to watch. But where? Now, special video hosting sites have popped up all over the place, usually only hosting one particular show/genre. Many of these sites are short lived, but are able to generate lots and lots of profit. Such sites are usually not heavily promoted because they don't need to be (or can afford to be; legal action would probably take place and the site would be shut down). A simple domain name, and good bandwidth to stream online videos clearly is all it takes to get lots of traffic and viewer loyalty.

Take for example. This website streams Anime series online. Hundreds of thousands of people visit this site every day, undoubtedly throwing AdSense revenues through the roof!
This is a much riskier venture because legal action/persecution is a constant stalker. Many of this sites are short lived and are used to cash in, and cash in big.

This is a standard template of most video hosting sites. The idea is simple: maximize the chances of ad-clicks.

With more ads presented on the page, the chances are higher that someone will see something of interest and click on it. *Note* "Ad blindness" or when people ignore ads, does not occur too frequently with this kind of template, in my experience. The moving images present too many visual stimulants; the viewer's attention darts around and cannot ignore the myriad of ads on the periphery of focus.

Because a these types of video hosting websites cater more towards younger audiences, AdSense will appropriately insert ads relevant to their demographic. (Dont ask how, the AdSense Bot was made by a team of super geniuses) Video hosting websites attract much larger crowds.

In my experience, I've found out that the banner ads of the left hand side of the page earns the most money, while ads on the top of the page generate the least. Nonetheless, experiment and observe your earnings! (Google Analytics presents information regarding visitor activity, this feature is free for Google AdSense)

Well, uploading videos online without the permission of the owner and or distribution is illegal. I've witnessed a pattern in the way these video hosting websites work. So here it is:

1. A simple/catchy yet informative name is found
2. The site is set up quickly, with only a few videos uploaded (usually trailers)
3. The Google AdSense bot crawls it and puts on Ads
4. Videos are uploaded like mad; the site is heavily promoted on forums/blogs/facebook
5. Lots of traffic come in - lots of AdSense revenue
6. Shut it down. Cash out.

Your Odds at Making Money - 1:3

Video Hosting television shows without the distributor's permission is technically illegal. I do not condone this behavior/view/attitude. This section is strictly for informative/educational purposes. But hey, if I was doing it, this is how I'd get it done.

I don't advise going into video hosting television shows. And if you did, it probably would not be a good idea to promote your site on blog catalogs that monitor and report this type of thing. Instead, promotion tools such as FaceBook and MySpace would be better...

Cashing in with Google AdSense is easy. Costs you nothing to sign up, and every ad click earns you money. Video hosting brings in a ton of traffic, thus improving your chances of ad-clicks. Video Hosting, I surmise, probably generates the most money. Riskiest? Yeah. Should you do it? Probably not...
Cheers ;)
