Top 5 Ways to Get Rich From Home (for Noobies) #5

5. Share Online Art Work

Now, we all know that artists struggle to make a living. Yeah, it's hard, and artists are usually not even appreciated in their own time! Look at Van Gough, Emily Carr, and Pablo Picasso. But times are changing, and if you're a talented artist, you can hit it big online!

One very notable example is the Pon and Zi collection by Jeff Thomas. I'm sure you've seen these characters around somewhere...

These two have blown up all over the internet. And I'm willing to bet that Jeff Thomas, the creator, has cashed in big on these critters.

His website,, has Ads by Google (AdSense) and he has strategically organized his website so that one picture is viewed at a time. Genius.

This way he increases his traffic as more people click through his site to see his art. I'm a fan, of his art, and his monetizing strategies. Bravo. Well played.

Your Odds at Making Money - 1:8

If you have the talent, and great promotion strategies, then you should be set. Since Pon and Zi, thousands of artists have been trying to gain exposure through the internet. With that said, your art needs to stand out and shine, and nothing does that better than passion and skill. Amirite?

Alright, this concludes my lil' report here. Or does it? =O
I'll be back real quick with an extension/edit to this list - I'm currently experimenting with a few other ventures and I'll let you know how that works out!

So, so long for now, and peace out!

Mr. Stingy. All day.